江南体育下载地址 制动系统应做的改进

来源://www.scritchies.com日期:2023-04-24 发布人:admin
通常像搅拌车这类的车辆设备,其刹车系统都是非常重要的,这在一定程度上是可以保证我们自身以及设备的重要条件之一。那么为了提高 江南体育下载地址制动系统的可靠性,建议对以下部分进行改进:
Usually, the braking system of vehicle equipment such as mixer trucks is very important, which is one of the important conditions to ensure the safety of ourselves and the equipment to a certain extent. In order to improve the reliability of the braking system of the fully automatic self feeding mixing truck, it is recommended to make improvements to the following parts:
(1)江南体育下载地址 制动气压管路由单管路变为双管路,以提高系数。
(1) The brake air pressure pipe of the fully automatic self feeding mixing truck has been changed from a single pipeline to a double pipeline to improve the safety factor.
(2) Replace the current combination valve with a pressure regulator with a dryer to reduce water accumulation in the air storage tank.
(3)江南体育下载地址 采用液压制动系统,保留现在的盘式制动装置,去掉空压机、储气罐等装置,在液压系统中增加制动泵、调压阀、蓄能器、制动阀。
(3) The fully automatic self feeding mixing truck adopts a hydraulic braking system, retaining the current disc braking device, removing devices such as air compressors and air storage tanks, and adding brake pumps, pressure regulating valves, energy accumulators, and brake valves to the hydraulic system.
(4) Increase the length of the iron pipe from the air compressor to the combination valve, adopt multiple U-shaped arrangements to enhance the cooling effect of the output air, and reduce the aging of the rubber seals of the combination valve on the loader.
(5)江南体育下载地址 在气顶油制动系统中,加力器是非常关键的部件,对其储液罐应加装报警装置。
(5) In the air top oil braking system of a fully automatic self feeding mixing truck, the booster is a crucial component, and an alarm device should be installed on its liquid storage tank.
The following two structures can be used: liquid level alarm, float and tongue spring switch to detect the level of brake fluid level, and timely alarm; Using a stroke alarm, if the piston stroke of the booster is too large, it indicates a malfunction in the braking system.
In addition, during the operation of such equipment, it is important to learn more about effective braking techniques for vehicles. For example:
In addition to the foot brake, it is also important to use the throttle to control the vehicle speed. When there is a safe distance, once it is necessary to slow down, simply release the accelerator and cooperate with the foot brake appropriately to make it easier to control the speed. These are all techniques for stepping on the brakes, and car owners can learn according to their own needs. They need to know a good driving method, which is not only a sign of love for the car, but also a way to be responsible for their own safety.
Make speed adjustments before turning: braking, shifting, and pumping oil; In the event of an unexpected event, if an obstacle is suddenly detected, immediately stop tilting, straighten the body lever, and then brake.
该搅拌车在正常运行的过程中,不同情况下所需要使用的刹车方式也会有所不同。因此在操作使用设备之前适当的了解学习一些关于搅拌车的刹车技巧还是非常有必要的,能够很好的保证我们在使用车辆过程中的性。更多相关内容就来我们网站 //www.scritchies.com咨询!
During the normal operation of the mixer truck, the braking methods required under different circumstances may also vary. Therefore, it is necessary to have a proper understanding and learning about the braking techniques of the mixer truck before operating and using the equipment, which can effectively ensure our safety during the use of the vehicle. For more related content, come to our website //www.scritchies.com consulting service